Refund Policy

At Marifah ul Quran, we are committed to ensuring your satisfaction with our services. Our refund policy is as follows:

  • Full Refund Before Classes Begin: If you choose to withdraw before your classes start, you will receive a full refund of your payment.
  • No Refund After Classes Begin: Once your classes have been confirmed and you have attended at least one class, we do not offer refunds.
  • Service Failure on Our Part: If we are unable to provide your scheduled classes for any reason on our end and you have already paid, we will issue a refund after deducting a nominal processing fee.
  • Transfer of Balance: If you need to pause your classes, the remaining balance can be applied to the next month’s classes only.
  • Non-Refundable Scenarios: If the cost of processing the refund exceeds the fee paid, no refund will be issued.

Thank you for understanding our policies and we appreciate your cooperation.

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